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  • 6 years ago
    Comment SteveRoy

    They can fit 20% more people. So... at best that would mean a 20% discount on the ticket price. That's not actually that much.

  • 6 years ago
    Comment SteveRoy

    We tried to do this in New Mexico and found out we couldn't.

    The Federal law allows a state to opt out of Daylight Savings Time, and stay on Standard Time if they want. But they can't stay on Daylight Saving Time all year, when the rest of the country is on Standard Time.

  • 6 years ago
    Comment SteveRoy

    Did they really go into this expecting it wouldn't be cheep and fast?

    Did they not imagine current providers wouldn't try to stop them?

  • 6 years ago
    Comment SteveRoy

    This story makes me angry at the world for a few unrelated reasons.

    1) What the guy did to the dog is terrible.

    2) Locking a person in a facility which is practically designed to make people more callous, angry, and violent for a DECADE or more; all over a single thoughtless, impulsive moment of rage? That's just stupid.

    3) The article says 12 years. The video says 10 years. The article also says this 'abusing the dog, which suffered multiple broken ones.' That's just shit editing.

  • 6 years ago
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  • 6 years ago
    Comment SteveRoy


    Just because everyone is working off the same clock, doesn't mean everyone is going through their "day" at the same time. That's actually part of the point. It would force people to stop using the traditional times for things. Traditional times insist people use a "close but not quite right" clock, being off their natural cycle by and hour or so. Prior to the standard 24 timezones there were hundreds of timezones, because diffrent towns started their days at different times. Still they all insisted on using the same clock number for that time. It worked great for them but was impossible for everyone else to keep track of. If instead, everyone agreed to use the same global "timezone". It would free up everyone to start and end their day when it made sense for them; At the same time, make it easy when coordinating things over distances.

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  • 6 years ago
    Comment SteveRoy

    There is a link right in the center of the popup "continue with adblocker". It closed the popup.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment SteveRoy

    Just look at your pay-stub to see what it means for you. Here is what it looks like on mine.

    So far this year I have paid $215.92 into Medicare, and $825.59 for my health insurance, totaling $1041.51.

    Medicare already covers our demographic with the highest medical expenses by a long shot, our elderly. For easy napkin math though, lets assume for Medicare to cover everyone it would cost twice as much as it does now. It won't, but it's an easy assumption.

    My Medicare tax doubles to $431.84. I don't have to pay for any health insurance, saving $825.59. The total out of my pay would just be the $431.84.

    $1041.51 - $431.84 = $609.67

    I save would $609.67 switching to Medicare for all, if it costs twice what Medicare currently does. Go look at you pay-stub. See what it will mean to you. Double your Medicare tax, eliminate your health insurance. Do you save money?

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  • 7 years ago
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  • 7 years ago
    Comment SteveRoy

    PPI done by distance, not area. But my math is wrong in the other post.

    They said 4K. I'm assume the more typical UHD of 3840px wide, not actual 4K of 4096px. They also said 19 feet. Thats 3840 / ( 19x12 ) = 16.8ppi not 3.5. If ppi squared makes more sense to you, ( 3840 / ( 19x12 ) ) ^2 = 283.7ppsi

    According to this calculator you would have to be more than 15 feet away to not see the pixels. Ideally more than 26 feet. So maybe I was wrong. If you have a mansion with a real theater, this could totally work.