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  • Image
    8 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Ham yawn

    We had the chilling in the hammock cutely game going strong until Ham decided to yawn right at the camera.

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +3 3 0

    Best cameras for animal photography?

    Thought I'd ask around to see what people recommend. I'm somewhat of a beginner to photography but I know that I'd like to focus on animals, particularly my trio of fancy rats and while the camera I currently have is pretty decent, I think I'd like to upgrade. I want a bit more quality and more speed. I've tried taking pics of the rats on 'pet mode' where it takes a series of photos in rapid succession but the 'rapid' part is a bit lacking, I need just a little more speed to catch my rats in the midst of their goofy expressions.

    The camera I currently have is a Nikon Coolpix. Given good lighting with a still target it can take a decent picture but again, I'd like to upgrade to something that can take a faster shot of a higher quality, at a relatively close distance since these are my pets that I'll be focusing on who are pretty small.

    Money-wise I'd like to shoot for under $1,000 unless you can convince me otherwise. If you're recommending a camera you own then please consider posting or linking to some unedited pictures you've taken with it.

    Thank you!

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  • Image
    8 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Just got my first space pod!

    Pippa approves.

  • Question
    8 years ago
    +24 24 0

    What was your favorite pet(s) and why?

  • Image
    8 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Pippa hanging out

  • Unspecified
    8 years ago
    +2 2 0

    A video of my rats being bRats

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +4 4 0


    Hello! I'm new to Snapzu but I also noticed that this group seems to be new, so let's start some discussion here with some little introductions! I'll go first.

    I'm an eclectic witch, trying to get an art degree while raising three mischievous fancy rats. My hobbies include crochet and painting; and my favorite tools are tarot cards and iron nails.