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Published 11 years ago by Splitfish with 9 Comments
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  • nowsourcing

    Winklevoss twins back in the news?

    • Splitfish

      Yep they own some bitcoins and are starting a bitcoin business I think.

  • eruditojones

    Ever since I first heard of bitcoins I've been a bit suspicious of it. Partly it'll be due to ignorance of how the whole "bitcoin mining" works. But these stories seem like the preamble to some kind of financial scandal waiting to happen.

    • Splitfish

      Here is an recent and excellent explanation on how bitcoin works: http://www.michaelni...ocol-actually-works/

    • Gozzin (edited 11 years ago)

      Ever since I first heard of bitcoins I've been a bit suspicious of it.

      Same here..Those who are at the top are making sure very few get many at all, rather like the 1%.

    • clay

      If you really want to know there are some good simple explanations of bitcoin mining on youtube.

    • clay

      If you really want to know there are some good simple explanations of bitcoin mining on youtube.

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