11 years ago
1 in 4 Americans don't know that the earth orbits the sun. Yes, really.
Dear Science Communication Professionals: We have a problem. Earlier this month, the Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham creationism “debate” received a disproportionate amount of press coverage. Considering that there really is no debate to be had when it comes to the science of evolution, for bad or for worse, Nye faced a hostile audience at the Creationist Museum in Kentucky.
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So 25% are Shelock Holmses :) But seriously, we don't know the makeup of the sample, if it was representative in terms of age, region and so on. Maybe in urban populations this proportion is much lower and in rural ones higher; so it doesn't mean much.
Yep,........... them rural folk are stupid,.for sure. That inner city education is so far superior.
Who really cares about these studies? For all we know some people might have answered it like that on purpose.