SheNerd's feed
11 years agoComment SheNerd
WTF indeed!
11 years agoComment SheNerd
It makes for great foreplay to. Just sayin'.
11 years agoComment SheNerd
It's expensive because people will pay for it. All hail marketing and PR.
Posted in: Why Is Bottled Water So Expensive?
11 years agoComment SheNerd
I'd eat tomatoes if they were prepared like this.
Posted in: 12 Unusual Ways to Cook Tomatoes
11 years agoAchievement SheNerd
Media Mogul
Published 2/2 current event snaps! Congratulations SheNerd on this achievement!
+1350 XP -
11 years agoCurrent Event SheNerd
How New Mexico Is Saving Its Historic Movie Theaters
The nearly 100-year-old Luna Theatre is still in operation thanks to New Mexico’s one-of-a-kind MainStreet Historic Theater Initiative.
11 years agoComment SheNerd
This actually makes sense. I get really cranky when I'm hot.
Posted in: Rise in violence 'linked to climate'.
11 years agoComment SheNerd
I would think the title should be "How to take stunning lion photos without getting eaten"
Posted in: How to Take Stunning Lion Photos
11 years agoLevel Up SheNerd
Level 5
SheNerd is now level 5 with 10,280 XP.
View Unlocks- Image Submission The maximum amount of images you can submit to a unique social gallery has been raised by 1 to a total of 4.
- Custom Banner You now have the ability to upload your own custom profile banner.
11 years agoAchievement SheNerd
Good Image
Reached a reputation rating of 67%. Congratulations SheNerd on this achievement!
+1080 XP -
11 years agoComment SheNerd
At the rate I'm going, I'll never be able to retire.
11 years agoComment SheNerd
That was weirdly fascinating.
Posted in: How One Weird Trick Conquered the Internet
11 years agoComment SheNerd
Poor, sweet angel.
11 years agoComment SheNerd
Alcohol is a very dangerous drug.
11 years agoComment SheNerd
I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about that. blech!
11 years agoAchievement SheNerd
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 25/25 comments! Congratulations SheNerd on this achievement!
+2130 XP -
11 years agoComment SheNerd
I know people who have bought the surface and really like it. The only complaint they have is the lack of apps.
11 years agoComment SheNerd
Looks like Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes may have competition in the crazy fading child star department.
Posted in: Drugs Found On Bieber's Tour Bus
11 years agoLevel Up SheNerd
Level 4
SheNerd is now level 4 with 6,445 XP.
View Unlocks- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 10 to a total of 40.
- Pattern Banner You now have the ability to select a pattern for the banner of any of your tribes.
11 years agoAchievement SheNerd
Red Eye Jedi
Viewed 50/50 snaps! Congratulations SheNerd on this achievement!
+800 XP -
11 years ago
11 years agoComment SheNerd
I'll take one of each please
and some sweatpants.
11 years agoExpression SheNerd
23 reasons why New Mexico is the nerdiest place in the country
Only three spots in New Mexico made Popular Science magazine's list of The Best Nerd Road Trips in America: the Spaceport, the radio astronomy observatory, and bizarrely, the Chile Pepper Institute Garden. A pepper's place is on your plate — not on a list of where to get geeky and freaky. So what does solidify New Mexico's place in geek culture? Nerdy New Mexico has a brand all its own — one that's whimsical, scholarly, inventive, and very, very dark.
11 years ago
In New Mexico too. There have been several restaurants that were forced to close because thieves broke in and stole all the copper wiring and tubing. Insurance money wasn't enough to cover the costs.
Posted in: Copper theft 'like an epidemic' sweeping US
11 years agoAchievement SheNerd
Rapid Response
Commented on 5/5 within 30 minutes of publication! Congratulations SheNerd on this achievement!
+795 XP -