11 years ago
Popcorn Time: Open Source Torrent Streaming Netflix For Pirates
Popcorn Time, a cross-platform and BitTorrent-powered movie streaming app, may very well be Hollywood's worst nightmare. The software can be best described as a Netflix for pirates, allowing users to stream the latest blockbusters at no cost. TF talks to one of the developers to find out how the app came about.
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Sadly, due to my affinity in playing in speed metal bands back in the day, my hearing is shot all to hell and I need subtitles to make sense of things. Up until now, subtitles have been completely ignored by the community. It's really nice to see that they thought of that and are supporting them.
How many times have those exact words been spoken right before the RIAA/MPAA sue them into a smoking crater? While I'm very tempted to download and try it out, I really don't want to hand the *AA my public IP address whenever they sue these guys, take their servers, and start filing John Doe lawsuits.
I enjoy subtitles as well, and have always been able to find them when needed. There are some nice websites that you can get subtitles for your files. As well as using VLC that will speed them up, or slow them down to match the movie if they are slightly out of sync.
Yep, and sadly this is why tha MPAA / RIAA are working so hard. They can't really win the war against sharing / consumption, yet they do it anyway because it does work as a deterrent, and it gets them paid handsomely for doing it.
I agree, I am more interested in the technology that is so quick to pop up. I did download it, to see if the movies played at a decent speed. I was surprised at how fast it loaded a movie, and the quality of it. I stopped it, as I really don't want to end up on a list for the MPAA. I do believe though after having kept up with the lawsuits that they enjoy the downloaders, and don't truly want it to stop. It has become another source of income, the artists do not receive anything from the lawsuits, and the studios receive very little. The association/lawyers get the money.
Ever use Bit Torrent Sync? It's BT, but you are only able to sync files between well-defined systems (as long as the systems have the shared encryption key, that is). I think that merging BTS along with the Popcorn Time concept would be awesome. One can share their libraries with like-minded friends on the internet.
Popcorn Time is a nice idea. Having the sharing more private would make it the killer app.
That is not a bad idea. Would work great with private trackers I would think. And the clamoring to get into a private tracker would be high. I know that I would want to join one.
Exactly, a new and brave world for the "middlemen".