• Qukatt

    I had this delusion that if I had only 1 washing basket then I wouldn't let my laundry build up. How naïve! My jenga Laundry basket and bed of washed, folded but not put away laundry taunts me xD

    I do go on mad catch ups here and there but I cannot convince myself to stay on top of it so it's not a problem. Oh well.

    • Boudicca

      Yes, I too have fallen into this delusion.

      • Qukatt

        that "fold a shirt in 2 pinches!" one also went the way of the dodo, it's not any faster than me just folding a thing even though I practised.

        • Boudicca

          Well, it wouldn't matter if it did work, you still wouldn't have put it away :)