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Published 9 years ago by Qukatt with 8 Comments

Which life hacks have you given up on?

Are there any you've managed to stick with?

  • Life hacks are shortcuts or methods of doing things that are supposed to make life simpler or tasks faster to do.

    Most of the time they're a neat trick and not much more than that but how many of you have stuck to your hack and which ones have you given up on?


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  • Boudicca

    Righty tighty, lefty loosey. When Screwing or unscrewing something.

    Sanity saver.

  • Qukatt

    I had this delusion that if I had only 1 washing basket then I wouldn't let my laundry build up. How naïve! My jenga Laundry basket and bed of washed, folded but not put away laundry taunts me xD

    I do go on mad catch ups here and there but I cannot convince myself to stay on top of it so it's not a problem. Oh well.

    • Boudicca

      Yes, I too have fallen into this delusion.

      • Qukatt

        that "fold a shirt in 2 pinches!" one also went the way of the dodo, it's not any faster than me just folding a thing even though I practised.

        • Boudicca

          Well, it wouldn't matter if it did work, you still wouldn't have put it away :)

  • PushPull

    The power of lists. Lists of lists. Checklists for everything. Bullshit.

    Not that I'm against them, but I only make them for groceries, other various shopping endeavors and the occasional 'Honey-Do' or 'Let's Wrap Up a Shit-Ton of Projects Day' . For keeping track of all my goals and habits? No thanks. I don't need a list to guide me along my intended path in life. I see the way quite clearly, thank you.

    • Qukatt

      my fave game is guessing what i wrote on my shopping list that's on my counter at home while i'm in the shop. I get bonus points if I actually get everything I wrote down. xD

      • PushPull

        Google Keep FTW!!! As long as you have your phone, you've got your shopping list.

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