• Havok

    Same here... been SO psyched for this game since its accouncement! I'm a massive space sim fan, and thus far I'm still looking for a game to replace Freelancer at the top of my list (Star Citizen and No Man's Sky look set to fill that void).

    However, I am skeptical about one thing. Sure, it looks to be tremendous fun to explore, fight and just fly around the universe. But after you've gotten used to how new planets look, had a few fights and basically gotten the hang of the game, what do you actually DO? I mean, I haven't seen much in the way of a quest system, missions, that kind of thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that every game needs this to be good. I'm just wondering how they're going to hold the player's attention when the novelty has worn off.

    • VoyagerXyX

      For me personally (and this is incredibly subjective) I would find the thrill of cataloging new species and planets entertaining for hours and hours on end. The promise of exploring cave networks and ruins is also incredibly enticing to me. I like wanderers so if that's what this turns out to be I'm happy fine with that. And of course the constant lure of reaching the galactic core will keep me motivated for quite some time. Again this is seriously, incredibly subjective so it may not be everybody's cup of tea and I understand that all the same :)

      • Havok

        This makes sense; however, I think making a game that you hope to sell millions of on the excitement of cataloging new species (no offense meant) is a bit of a long shot. I think I might love it too, but it sounds much too niche for the mass market they're trying to reach, I think.

        Don't get me wrong, I'm getting this game and I think I'm gonna love it. But I'm a bit worried that a lot of people might pick it up and drop it after 8 hours or so

        • VoyagerXyX (edited 9 years ago)

          (none taken of course, this is Snapzu after all :P ) I agree, I think the targeting could perhaps be refined, but one of the great things about this game that I don't think they've spent enough time covering in the media is the fact that you can play this game entirely in a combat role or entirely in a trader role, or entirely in a scientific role, or a combination, or none of these. The openness of the world is reflected in the openness of the gameplay and it doesn't have to just be "find new animals, upgrade hyperdrive, repeat." it can be so much more if you choose it to be.

          • Havok

            This is the kind of discussion I love on here :) and yes, I can see that happening. Like I said, I'm definitely a fan and definitely getting it on release. I just really hope they put the same depth into the other sections of the game as it seems they did on the world generation. Seriously looking forward to it though!

          • VoyagerXyX
            @Havok -

            Only time will tell! We'll have to find out together I suppose. Release is still slated for 2015 I believe!

    • noot

      I suppose when you get bored you try to reach the centre of the galaxy. You need a super-powerful hyperdrive for this and you need credits for the hyperdrive. I think you will spend a lot of time making money.

      • Havok

        But this sounds like a bit of a grind to me; it appeals to the completionist in me, but I think this isn't quite enough to draw millions of people to the game

        • noot

          Yeah, it might be a total flop. But I think there will be at leapt a few people who really enjoy it. Its one of the first games to have the planet sized planets and galaxy sized galaxy, I just hope its good enough for other game companies to try something similar.

          The main reason people think no mans sky won't be that great is lack of content. Imagine if a large studio tried something similar using the same technology. Procedural generation along with their manpower could make each planet appear truly unique. Of course there would be repetitions and similarities between some things but with enough manpower it would be statistically unlikely for the repetitions to occur for any one person.

          • VoyagerXyX

            Even if it is a total and complete flop it will certainly maintain a cult following for years to come, that I can almost guarantee.

          • Havok

            Well, I think lack of manpower can be replaced by a good algorithm in this specific case. Which is one reason why I'm rather optimistic about this game.

            So, to agree with you, I think there's no way it's going to be universally hated. Which sounds like a weird selling point, but in today's market... Haha.

        • FistfulOfStars

          In the first video where they introduced everything, as he was talking about 'reaching the center' he was intentionally vague to not spoil the surprise, but at the same time he certainly alluded to the idea that there was a 'big surprise' that would spur further interest.

          I personally came away from it thinking that there would be motivation to continue playing, but then again that might be a ruse.

          • Havok

            I really hope this is the case. Anyhow, I'll definitely be playing!