"No Worries" by h0mi3 on DeviantArt
Diamond Tiara and Snails walk with some very unwelcoming news. As they're both walking they are greeted with unwanted murmors and some ponies even begin to make fun of diamond and her way of life. ...
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Diamond Tiara and Snails walk with some very unwelcoming news. As they're both walking they are greeted with unwanted murmors and some ponies even begin to make fun of diamond and her way of life. Especially with her suddenly gaining weight.
pony1: "haha! She's such a slut. Why do you think she has so much money? Her dad told her to be independent but she just needs a quick buck. Ha!"
pony2: 'I heard that she's just a bitch, I bet she isn't even loyal to her coltfriend. But I bet he doesn't even care! He's too ugly for anyone else anyways."
Diamond stops in her tracks with her head down and her mane in her face.
"Hey Diamond?" says Snails 'Don't listen to them, they don't know the real you." He says assuring her that everything will be alright. "C'mon. Let's just go.
Diamond Tiara doesn't move. she continues to hear the other ponies talk. Soon some colt's join the conversation as well.
pony3: "I totally saw her with another guy just the other day. It isn't a lie."
Pony1: "see! i told you!"
Snails puts a hoof on Diamond Tiara. 'Hey, are you alri-" He looks at her face.
Utterly shocked. Crying, and not moving a muscle. She closes her eyes and begins to run off crying. The ponies left behind are still talking about her, Snails had enough and decided to man up for once and take matters into his own hooves.
"Stop talking about Diamond Tiara that way! You don't even know her!" Snails interupts their conversation and laughter. The biggest colt goes up to him and threatens him.
pony4: "what are you going to do aboout it?" he says as he pushes Snails 'You're just dealing with all of this cause she has money. "
"No, No I'm not! You guys ill never understand how wonderful she is! You're all trash!" He says as he spits on the colts hoof.
The colt gets pissed. He begins to throw punches and fights snails. The other colt joins as well to throw some kicks and keep him from escaping. Soon enough the colts are done, thanks to the mares telling them that Snails recieved enough of a beating.
Snails is now badly hurt and is barely able to move. He gets up and with all his strength he walks towards a isolated area, He's alone and needs help. He soon starts to pass out, until he see's two pink blurs in the distance. It was Diamond Tiara and a Nurse pony. The nurse takes him back to the hospital as Diamond Tiara let's his family know that he is at the hospital getting medical attention.
A few hours later, The room snails was in was dark. The lights were off so he could have a full rest. Snails begins to wake up and realizes that he see's the pink and purple/white pony he love's sleeping next to him on the edge of the bed. He turns slightly to pet her mane, She slowly starts to wake up.
Diamond tiara looks at snails with a smile. "Hey, I see you're awake." she said as she gives him a little giggle. "I'm sorry I ran off earlier. I should've been there to protect you..." She looks down and lays her head on the edge of the bed.
"Hey, it's not your fault." Snails said with a smile. "It was my turn to protect you.... Plus, it would've been tragic if they layed a hoof on you. I probably would've lost it."
Diamond Tiara moves from the bed to the corner of the room. 'Snails.... I'm so sorry ." Snails gets up from the bed and removes anything that could hold him back from Diamond.
"I said it isn't your fault. I needed to protect you, I'm just really, really glad you are okay." He says as he gives her a kiss 'Especially.... because you're carrying our foal in there." He says as he kisses her tummy.
Diamond Tiara blushes, He comes back to eye level with her. He looks into her eyes with the most serious look that nopony would ever think Snails was capable of. "I'm going to do everything I possibly can to take care of you and our baby. I'm not going to let anyone walk over you." He says while holding her face. Diamond Tiara begins to tear up, she looks down and sheds a tear, as she opens her eyes again, she see's Snails wounds opening up again since he removed the wires.
"You idiot..." She says as she gets a ban-aid and kisses it "You don't have to worry about anything. My Dad still loves me, and although I'm his spoiled little brat... He says he can't wait to meet his new grandchild so he can turn them into a spoiled brat too. We have nothing to worry about, because of my seperate business that I decided to be a ghost CEO of, we really don'thave much to worry about. I have my dad and my money, you have your loving family's... well... love. and we have eachother. I... I love you. So pleasedon't worry. We can get through this together."
As she said this, Snails decided for himself that he is going to do everything he can to help his marefriend and his child. They have much money, but with all Snails makes, It helps their growing family even more. Because he gives them more than just money- he gives them all his love.
I really liked that one drawwing I did, so he's a full body version of it~
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