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Published 9 years ago by PrismDragon with 9 Comments

First look at Minecraft for Windows 10 at minecon2015

First look at Minecraft for Windows 10.


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  • Tokani

    That's not bad, does anyone know what tablet he is using?

    • Wolfyz

      That looks like a surface pro, with the optional key cover connected about half way through the video.

    • CuppaMatt

      Looks like the new Surface Pro 3

  • SuperCyan

    I really like a lot of what they did with the game. When it was just Mojang doing everything, it felt like the game left a lot to be desired. Things would be broken for a long time, there would be half features, and it just kinda ran bad, too. It's great to see that the boats aren't these pieces of cardboard that you can't steer and break on everything. It's great that the Nether portals are almost instant. Also, it seems like it was running at a pretty good frame rate on a tablet, even with the fancy graphics turned on. If this is really as it seems, this is going to be great for Minecraft.

    However, I'm really scared about the fact that they're going the route of pocket edition. I personally really didn't care much for the pocket edition, especially the UI. Hopefully, they don't change everything too much, or it's just going to a pain to get used to. Also, hopefully they still support mod developers. I'm afraid that they'll try to lock everything down and try to keep people from making mods, but since they're the large reason why that Minecraft is still popular, I highly doubt it. Nevertheless, companies don't always make the right decision. Let's trust that Microsoft does this time around.

  • CuppaMatt

    Boats that don't suck!!!

    Finally :)

  • Neurobomber

    I reallu hope that they stick to supporting the mod community as well. It'd be great to have an easier time installing them instead of relying on third party apps that are often difficult to use.

    • ortsac

      I'd say there's a good chance mods won't be supported for this version

  • AxiosKatama

    Its exciting to see the switch to C++ and the loading of the world being so much improved.

    I worry about them forcing the use of xbox live to play the game online though. I will not be involving myself with that.

  • HauntedCryme

    This is a nice step forward in Minecraft, especially with using Xbox Live for friends. What would make it killer would be cross platform with the Xbox One version.

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