Post Overview
Current Event
10 years ago+9 9 0Legacy of the Void beta 'to arrive end of March, early April'
The highly anticipated final installment of the StarCraft 2 trilogy is coming soon.
11 years ago+4 6 2Score!!!
Some Pool Basketball!
11 years ago+14 14 0Saints Row IV - Gat is Back Trailer (U.S. Version)
Are you glad to see him back? Internet: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube:
11 years ago+3 5 2StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm - $25.49 with free shipping
GameStop 15% off $29.99+ games with code SLICK15 Good for those who missed it from Newegg StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm (PC) $30 - 15% off code SLICK15 = $25.50 with free shipping
Current Event
11 years ago+1 2 1Dreamhack Valencia Groups Announced
DH Valencia 19-20th July - Groups Announced
Current Event
11 years ago0 1 1Stephano replacing Naniwa at Dreamhack Valencia
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11 years ago+7 7 0StarCrafts - Season 2 - Episode 10 - Nucleared
Starcrafts is the animated cartoon parody based on the Blizzard Entertainment franchise Starcraft, Starcraft Broodwar and Starcraft 2. Tune in and subscribe for more episodes every Saturday. StarCraft is a registered trademark of Blizzard Entert ...
Current Event
11 years ago+4 5 1Red Bull announces Training Grounds Orlando - July 26-28
Red Bull announces Training Grounds Orlando - July 26-28 casted by Day[9], djWHEAT, Mr. Bitter - spectating open to public for free at Full Sail University!
Current Event
11 years ago+7 8 1Heart of the Swarm Now Live in China
We are pleased to announce that StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm is now live in China. Chinese players can now upgrade to the latest expansion, follow Kerrigan through a vengeance-fueled campaign, use all of the new multiplayer units, and enjoy new f ...