Ozette's feed
9 years agoCurrent Event Ozette
Elizabeth Warren will/not run for president.
Heard this interview with Elizabeth Warren on NPR this morning: http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2015/03/30/3963 But her denials of running for president sounded hollow. Something bothered me; the reporter asked, essentially, 'but you could be doing so much more if you ran for president'. And she responded with a non-response, basically saying 'I'm working hard'. That's not a response. So then I read this... http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/0...
9 years agoStatus Update Ozette
Heard this interview with Elizabeth Warren on NPR this morning: http://www.npr.org/…/elizabeth-warren-on-hillary-clinton-an… Something bothered me; the reporter asked, essentially, 'but you could be doing so much more if you ran for president'. And she responded with a non-response, basically saying 'I'm working hard'. So then I read this: http://www.theatlantic.com/…/archive/2015/01/run-wa…/384490/ "If a politician expresses ideas that are shared by literally tens of millions ..."
1 -
10 years agoLevel Up Ozette
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10 years agoAchievement Ozette
Rock Star
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10 years agoLevel Up Ozette
Level 4
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10 years agoAchievement Ozette
Good Image
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10 years ago
Actually I actively seek out the opinions of those who do not agree with me but are still able to have a rational discussion. I never said anything about agreeing with me. One can be empathetic and helpful and still not agree with me.
Posted in: I'm an old fogee. Foegee? Fohgee.
10 years ago
First of all, thank you for checking out my comic!!
Secondly, I thought that Tapastic was limited in its presentation format, but due to this thread (and realizing, oh man, people are actually reading my comic!), I went in and monkeyed with the settings and -- I think -- I got it to display correctly.
I'm aiming at about 30-35 pages in total. Eventually, I will go back and fix the first couple (awful) pages, and in the even further future, I plan to publish the comic as a color book.
Thanks again for checking it out, and thanks for the feedback!!
Posted in: Ozette, my new webcomic
10 years agoText Post Ozette
Llamas (and alpacas) join the fight ;)
10 years agoText Post Ozette
I'm an old fogee. Foegee? Fohgee.
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10 years agoLevel Up Ozette
Level 3
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10 years agoComment Ozette
Hey the west is pretty well represented here; hello from Seattle! (high five, ttubravesrock)
Posted in: Hello from Alaska
10 years agoText Post Ozette
Ozette, my new webcomic
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10 years agoLevel Up Ozette
Level 2
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- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 55.
10 years agoAchievement Ozette
Rock Star
Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations Ozette on this achievement!
+1820 XP