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  • Current Event
    9 years ago
    +14 14 0

    Elizabeth Warren will/not run for president.

    Heard this interview with Elizabeth Warren on NPR this morning: But her denials of running for president sounded hollow. Something bothered me; the reporter asked, essentially, 'but you co ...

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +3 3 0

    Llamas (and alpacas) join the fight ;)

    Here is the actual PLOS Pathogens article: http://journals.plos...journal.ppat.1004552

    And here is the pop-sci version with a cute photo of a baby llama:

    These animals are already very interesting from a physiology perspective because their hemoglobin is adapted to the (low-oxygen environment of) high altitude. Neat!

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +18 18 0

    I'm an old fogee. Foegee? Fohgee.

    I remember the late 90s, when the internet was still new and we wandered forth, blinking against the sun, finding communities of people in a world that was otherwise cold and uncaring. And more of us wandered forth... and more... until the internet became pretty much a distillation of everyone's wildest hopes and fears. Maybe I'm just old, but this Snapzu reminds me of that feeling I got when I'd post something to a chatroom or a listserv and I had the near-guarantee that anyone who read it would react with warmth and empathy and helpfulness. That was a golden age. Maybe we can bring that back. A world without trolls. Wouldn't that be nice?

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +3 3 0

    Ozette, my new webcomic


    I'm new to the webcomic scene. I just started my first comic, so trying to get it off the ground. Apologies if this is posting multiple times, since I'm new to Snapzu.... Anyhow, I welcome constructive feedback from fellow comic artists, or just followers and support are of course welcome as well. As the story develops and unfolds, I'd eventually like to add color, and hopefully publish in book form, but for now, I'm just doing it all online. Huzzah for democratizing the art form of comics!

    Here's the link, thanks for stopping by! Ozette