• drunkenninja

    Hi everyone! I just want to note that this website is currently English only, so please refrain from posting snaps and or comments in other languages. Having said that, tribes can be created to represent any subject (i.e. Korean), however the content within your tribe still needs to be presented in English so that everyone can interact with it. In the future I'm sure Snapzu will expand and cover a wide variety of languages, but until then please post English only content. Thank you for your understanding!

    • Nuri (edited 9 years ago)

      OK. I understood the rule. i'll correct all my snaps. Thank you. But I can't remove visitiors' comment. I don't have permission for delete my friends' comments... Can you correct or delete above comments?

      • drunkenninja

        There is no need to remove what has already been posted, just as long as all future comments/snaps are in English.

        • Nuri

          OK , I see :) Have a good day!