• Qukatt

    you get used to it.

    Spring's rainy but when you get good days they are fantastic days. And same to Autumn except it's warmer.. oh but wasps.

    Watch out for Midges, if you smoke it will be not so bad, if you don't you need like jungle strength repellent. They come out when it's warm and damp and travel in clouds and eat you alive. Mosquitos have nothing on these horrible little bastards.

    • NstealthL

      Perfect! I've really enjoyed the sunny days so far. The occasional shower isn't too bad, but me and my dog are not fans of walking in pouring down rain.

      Sadly not a smoker so guess I'll have to suffer. Having grown-up mostly in Southern Swamp Land U.S.A. I'm used to mosquitoes but I'll be wary of midges...