10 years ago
The Inside Story of Oculus Rift and How Virtual Reality Became Reality
Oculus has found a way to make a headset that does more than just hang a big screen in front of your face. By combining stereoscopic 3-D, 360-degree visuals, and a wide field of view—along with a supersize dose of engineering and software magic—it hacks your visual cortex. As far as your brain is concerned, there’s no difference between experiencing something on the Rift and experiencing it in the real world.
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The outward-facing camera seems like an interesting addition
It makes me think that it'll eventually have some type of convergence with Google Glass -style tech.
Yeah, It appears to be headed in that direction. The only problem for me, is that google glass is just too damn hipster for me right now. It feels like I'm walking around with a camera constantly pointed at strangers who don't appreciate it.
I group people into two categories. -Doesn't know what Google Glass is; doesn't realize you have a camera on your face. -Knows what Google Glass is, are envious, and would join the club if they had $1500 of disposable income.
Well researched and put together. I wish I could write like that.