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    Anyone using Ubuntu here?

    I recently decided to STOP playing games (PC games specifically) so I guess it's time I can switch to Linux permanently as well!

    • Gozzin

      I use Ubuntu. Right now I'm into Minecraft. Our little Linux forum has a few players..We also play poker,which is fun.

    • Nolan

      I've been using Mint for a few years now. I really hated Unity when it came out and I've come to really like Mint. Same basic backend but the UI is exactly what I want.

      • Gozzin

        i don't use Unity,I'm using Classic Gnome.

    • drunkenninja

      What made you decide to "STOP" playing games? Games are awesome :D

      • Photos

        Want to focus on learning some programming languages instead to hopefully help me get a job that I enjoy more. More so though, I just hit 31 and have a 20 month old son, really haven't hit some of my goals and hope stopping will help me get there.

        I won't "STOP" forever! lol

    • picklefingers (edited 10 years ago)

      See thats the thing for me. I honestly love Ubuntu. I have it partitioned . I just never use it because usually when I'm on my computer I game at least a little bit and there is just not enough gaming titles ported for Linux. If that was changed I would make the switch permanently, but it doesn't look that is going to happen anytime soon.