• Tawsix

    Wow they are acting like highschool bullies

    This is exactly the case. My family has been involved in state politics, were at the state convention as delegates from my county. They literally had thugs come scream in peoples faces, telling them to shut up, if someone objected to rules of order being breached (they do it constantly to push shit through without proper voting from delegates.)

    We really don't live in a representative democracy any more. Sure, we get to vote, but our choices are picked for us by the establishment, on both sides. Candidates for President are no accident. The establishment has roots all the way down to the county level and it takes more time and dedication to tear down than people who work full time can spare. It can be done but don't let anyone fool you, the "opposition" within the Republican party is so fucking disorganized it's sickening.

    I gave up in disgust a long time ago. I suspect my folks will do the same in the next few months, they're getting worn down.