Neurobomber's feed

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Neurobomber

    We need to have a frank and honest discussion about how to phase out religion, primarily with a focus on eradicating Islam.

    We can't do this by bombing countries or refusing refugees but we can do this by educating the children of these countries.

    I say Europe should take any women and children and refuse any man over 15. By doing this we can isolate them from the "teachers" of this religion of violence and educate them. By doing so theres a good chance we can cure them of the horrid and violent ideas that Islam teaches.

    Instead of bombing these countries we need to offer education that ACTIVELY goes against Islam and to dismantle any religious structures and buildings throughout the area, with force if need be.

    Even at home we need to stop being so politically correct about this.

    The problem with terrorism is that it's fueled by religion. Instead of attacking physical people we need to attack these ideas.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Neurobomber

    Yup, which is only going to get worse as more and more youth move in to cities and stay there. Drive through any small town in America and it gets pretty obvious that the average age is quite a bit higher than the national average. Without more progressive and well-educated young people in those cities to vote, the republicans will continue to win those regions.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Neurobomber

    hope you love Ubuntu automatic updates

    The hell he talkin bout? I turned on my PC, Ubuntu gave me a little message in the background with "would you like to install these updates?" I told it to fuck off and that was the end of it.

    The other companies might suck at this (and they won't change because their update policies are there for their own benefit) but Linux/Ubuntu does it fairly well.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Neurobomber

    I mean, what other Senator is doing anything? It's a self-proclaimed do-nothing party. Stupid.

  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Neurobomber

    Pretty cool read. I'm actually starting a worker's cooperative for software developers that may eventually become a guild. I wish the article focused less on this specific company and the history of guilds and more on the basic concept and the potential future.

    Essentially guilds are a loose connection of people, usually in a specific industry, that pools their collective numbers to protect each individual worker. They may have started in medieval times but they've stuck around ever since. Remember how all the movies made in 2011 were incredibly bad? Well you can thank the Writer's Guild of America for that. They formed a massive strike that put the entire industry on hold until screenwriters got better pay. If every industry had a guild I highly doubt the 1% would even exist.

    Cooperatives and guilds fit VERY well in the digital age. We're no longer bound to one location but we still need the help of many to share numerous digital resources, from things like server usage to twitter followers. It also helps to have a physical space to collaborate with other members and build your professional network.

    Corporations have made it pretty clear they don't care about the average worker and it's about time the average worker started doing something about it.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Neurobomber

    It's mental health issue?

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Neurobomber

    Although I think stricter laws on domestic abuse should be created, making "emotional abuse" illegal seems like a very easy way to manipulate the system. If the laws are badly defined or the proof of evidence isn't explicitly defined, I could see this easily being manipulated by both spurned spouses and corrupt cops.

    This would scare the shit out of me if it passed in the States. It's pretty easy to imagine cops breaking in to homes without a warrant because they heard an argument in the house because it could be "emotional abuse" and raiding the home for drugs or other contraband.

    The best method to preventing emotional abuse is through education. Most people don't understand the various methods of manipulation that someone might pull to put them in an abusive relationship, especially when they're young and naive.

    But hey, education is hard. Enacting a vague law that sounds good to voters is easy.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Neurobomber

    Tell me again how this is a mental health issue and not at all related to how insanely easy it is to get a device that kills people in this country?