MillenCioran's feed

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MillenCioran

    How do you plan a space party?

    You planet.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MillenCioran

    I know Stephen, but who is this Steven you speak of?

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MillenCioran

    When the walls fell!

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MillenCioran

    Second this, I keep sticking with Firefox but it is perpetually blocking Flash.

    Posted in: Flash. Must. Die.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MillenCioran

    I'm so sorry because this is so corny but I came up with this at work recently...

    Why did Google get out of the ship building business?

    The ships kept trying to sink!

    Oh man, again, my apologies, so bad...

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MillenCioran

    It sounds like your standards are probably a little higher than my own! I enjoyed the RedLetterMedia review of the Abrams reboot though, I thought it was a fair analysis and critique.

  • 9 years ago
    Current Event MillenCioran

    Walking in L.A.: Times analysis finds the county's 817 most dangerous intersections

    By Laura J. Nelson, Armand Emamdjomeh and Joseph Serna

  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement MillenCioran

    Chatter Box

    Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations MillenCioran on this achievement!

    +1315 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment MillenCioran

    There must be some kind of ultimate boundary, but within those boundaries adequate freedoms. Human nature is the formation of factions and groups, which inevitably agree/disagree/quarrel, but in an appropriate environment, such dispersion into factions is acceptable if friction is minimized. But once you come down too hard on people, or a single faction, or squeeze too much, you lose some factions, and picking them back up is no easy task...

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MillenCioran

    In 1989 my grandmother would pick me up from elementary school and take me to her house. She would make me half of a sandwich and bowl of Campbell's soup. I would eat it and then she would help me complete my maths and other assignments. Between completion of homework and the looming pick of from my mother, we would settle in front of the television and play the Legend of Zelda on the Nintendo Entertainment System. To understand the map we took 50+ 8.5x11 pieces of paper and drew every single frame of the map and taped them all together in a giant, fold out Rand-McNally map and would study it day and night. I learned to read from that game. I learned patience, art, love, family, and comfort. Thank you Nintendo, the love I bear thee is roars like a loving maelstrom.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MillenCioran

    This cop could have been an excellent teacher. A perfect balance of calm, assertive energy and unadulterated, yet poised, shaming. Tapping into Korean notion's of "nunchi" (or the eyes of others) this guy quickly made two adrenaline pumped males back down in such a way that both were revealed for who they truly were, but both could later claim to have saved face at the highest moment of their lives. Kudos to the officer in the video, I refuse to make a hasty generalization here though and assume this man represents all of Canadian law enforcement, but he clearly represents himself, in the highest integrity and exasperation concerning the damaging rupture of "belligerent boyhood" that always threatens to break the seal of man.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MillenCioran

    "His [sic] just a smart business man that knows what he is doing." Yes, smart businessmen put assets in jeopardy then take moves to protect those jeopardized assets. A real Jack Bogle or Warren Buffett...

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MillenCioran

    "re-animated that carcass" Thank you for the best phrase I have heard on this day.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MillenCioran

    But they already have TNG streaming...I bet it gets a lot of consistent viewings.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MillenCioran

    Is there a "true to the original" though? I think this notion might be somewhat flawed, in that the greatest of an reiteration is always somewhat changed and evolved. I think a key problem with Voyager was the goal to stay "true to the original" which held it back (and the characters were not quickly differentiated and made unique during season one). With each iteration, I like a little change, risk taking, etc. It is only that risk that something beautiful might appear, but yes, the chances of quality coming out of each iteration is very, very low.

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up MillenCioran

    Level 2

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment MillenCioran

    Note to Self: In preparation for forthcoming "Animal Olympics" begin training penguins and Monarch butterflies to ensure Gold medals in synchronized swimming and open floor routine gymnastics.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MillenCioran

    Humans are like sand cupped in the palm of a hand. If you squeeze the sand too firmly, grains are going to slip between the cracks of the fingers. One must hold the sand softly, gently, and with care.