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Published 4 years ago by MiannaK with 0 Comments
  • In case you didn’t know, a healthy environment is the most important factor in living a healthier life. This seems quite obvious, but the fact is that a lot of people don’t understand it, which is why

    In fact, a chaotic home inevitably leads to a chaotic mind, which is why your home needs to be full of healthy triggers that will have a positive impact on both your physical and your emotional self. This is a good way to bring balance to your life and keep physical and mental health issues at bay, some of which are allergies, asthma, stress, and depression. Once you understand that, you can give your home a makeover and transform it into a true wellness pad everyone needs. Here are five useful tips on how to make that happen, so check them out and get down to business!

    Make natural light your top priority

    You’ve probably already figured it out, but let us say it once again – natural light plays a huge role in your overall well-being. First of all, bright spaces full of natural light are highly likely to boost your mood and positively impact your ability to make healthier choices, which should be your top priority. We can all agree that dark places usually put you in a bad mood and make you feel lazy and useless, which isn’t really what you should feel like on a daily basis. In order to prevent that, just open all the doors and windows first thing in the morning, as well as when you get home from work, and allow the natural flow of air and light to get inside. You’ll instantly see a fantastic change!

    Incorporate essential oils into your daily life

    Another amazing way to transform your home into a wellness pad is to incorporate essential oils into your everyday routine. Did you know that these can promote relaxation and wakefulness, and support your sleep? We bet you didn’t, so start using them while taking a shower. All you have to do is to add ten drops of peppermint, eucalyptus, or sweet orange essential oil to the floor of your shower and you’ll immediately feel much happier and more awake. You can also use a diffuser to infuse your entire home with aromatic and healing properties of essential oils. Some of the best ones are lavender and sweet orange, so give them a try both at home and in your workspace. Lavender essential oil is famous for improving sleep, so add a single drop of it onto your palms, rub it onto your pillow, and sleep tight every night!

    Create your own space for healing

    Decorating your home to look great is fine, but you know what? Feeling great in your own home is what should matter most, so don’t forget to create a space that will help you to relax and heal after a long day at work. It doesn’t have to be an entire room – just one corner of your bedroom or living room will do the trick, so make it happen and use it as a retreat in times of stress. A lot of people love to transform their homes into unique spa retreats whenever they feel the need to unwind, so why wouldn’t you the same, too? For example, Australians have gone completely crazy about getting massage chairs that have exceptional therapeutic value. So, if you want the same experience in your own home, make sure to check out revolutionary Inada Massage Chairs that will give your body everything it needs. Does it get better than that? We don’t think so!

    Keep your fridge stocked with healthy foods

    Everyone knows that visual triggers play a big role in our lives. When it comes to your home, this is particularly true for your kitchen, which is why you need to keep your fridge and pantry stocked with healthy foods and fresh produce. As the majority of people, including Australians, live very fast these days, they undoubtedly have a lot of trouble cooking, right? If you’re one of them, too, you should do whatever you can to stock your kitchen with nourishing foods that will create a place where you’ll actually want to cook. So, a big bowl full of your favorite foods is an absolute must, as well as a vase with freshly picked flowers that can inspire and motivate you to live your best life. Keeping these in near sight will always remind you to eat well and pick foods that are actually good for your body, so bear that in mind and you’ll see what we were talking about!

  • Use non-toxic cleaning products

    Speaking of cleaning your house, we have to say that keeping it a wellness pad means that you’ll probably have to switch from conventional to non-toxic cleaning products. This also means that you’re the one who needs to come up with these, so make your own DIY cleaning products and keep your home free from toxins and harmful chemicals. Some of the items in your pantry, such as vinegar, baking soda, castile soap, and essential oils can work as effective cleaners, and the best thing about them is the fact that they cost almost nothing. So, the next time you want to clean your home and you’re out of your favorite product, don’t run to the store and mix your own cleaning combo instead. Just remember to label each bottle of DIY cleaner and keep track of its ingredients in case a child or an animal gets into it. It’s essential to know what the mixture contains, so keep that under control, too!

    As you can see, there are a lot of amazing ways to transform your home into a true wellness pad, and these five are certainly the best ones out there. If that’s your ultimate goal, the only thing you need to do is to stick to our tips and tricks and guess what? You’ll make it happen in the blink of an eye!


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