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9 years ago+3 3 0Game Pals
Hey guys, I'm looking for more people to play games with and I figured I might as well make a thread so that people can have more friends to play games with.
Currently I'm playing Trove, CoD:AW for the PS4, World of Warcraft, and a little League of Legends.
It'd be awesome if any of y'all play any of the same games, however, even if you don't, feel free to comment what games and/or systems you play so that maybe you can find other people to play with!
Feel free to add me -
PSN-------------Matime_The_GreatI hope to see some friend requests from y'all soon!
Take care and don't work too hard :)
9 years ago+2 2 0How to Effectively EXPLOIT/Use The Enforcer; An Enforcer Exploit Tutorial
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9 years ago+1 1 0Cat Battle Pets Interaction
Saw this as I was browsing MMO-Champion today. Most cat companions will sit in your lap if they are targeted when you /sit.
Here's the twitter link they provided. -
9 years ago+1 1 0Patch 6.2 Hotfixes: July 20 - July 23
Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft Patch 6.2.0.
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9 years ago+2 2 0Tribe Chief
Hey there, I wanted to bring up the subject of our current and future chief of the tribe. As everyone may have noticed - Chicken the current chief of our tribe is inactive.
When the time comes that three months have passed with him being inactive, we will be able to post to /t/reclaimtribe to reclaim our tribe and have an active chief over the tribe. Is anyone willing to take the role of chief when the time comes?I know this is a bit preemptive but I thought I'd start the subject earlier than later when there's only a couple days left so that people have time to see and we could have someone lined up for the position.
9 years ago+10 10 0Method Takes World First Archimonde Kill
“Archimonde falls and Method takes the World 1st! #RaidProgress"
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9 years ago+3 3 0Introductions
Well since there's almost no activity here I figure I'll try to light some stuff up so we can each get to know each other! I'm called by either Matt or Matime. I'm a long time World of Warcraft player, playing since Vanilla but only hitting max level in Wrath onward. I've got two level 100's a Warlock and a Death knight and I'm a casual raider. I'd love to play with some of you sometime whether it's me helping you or you helping me! Shoot me a PM and I'll toss my battle-tag your way and we can be dungeon pals!
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9 years ago+2 2 0/t/shittyfoodporn - We aim a little lower than most
Hey everyone /t/shittyfoodporn has been created! We provide a place to share your food failures, your friends food failures, your families food failures, or well really just any failures that pertain to food. I'd love to hear what everyone wants to see from the tribe in terms of content so leave a post or comment on the stickied post!
9 years ago+12 12 0Kings' Dessert
My families take on Kings' Dessert
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9 years ago+7 7 0Howdy
Hey guys I'm coming from Reddit as well as many others. I like to play games, watch anime, and love seeing others DIY projects. I'm not a very talkative guy but am hoping to find my place in the community!