
/t/shittyfoodporn - We aim a little lower than most

Hey everyone /t/shittyfoodporn has been created! We provide a place to share your food failures, your friends food failures, your families food failures, or well really just any failures that pertain to food. I'd love to hear what everyone wants to see from the tribe in terms of content so leave a post or comment on the stickied post!

9 years ago by Matime with 7 comments

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  • MrY

    Oh so that's literally everything I eat. I swear my rice is so hard it cuts my gums whenever I eat it

    • Matime

      Have you tried boiling the water before adding the rice? :)

      • MrY

        nope, Does it soften it a lot?

        • Matime

          I've heard about people doing that, haven't tried it myself but it's definitely worth a shot!

          • MrY

            mhmm yea I'll try it out today!

            • Matime

              Well let me know if it works, be sure to post results!

            • MrY
              @Matime -

              for sure!