• MadMonk

    Its just annoying have something valid for the tribe get downvoted for no reason.

    • dannycdannydo (edited 9 years ago)

      May be that Guy Fawkes mask you have. Lots of people don't like them. And like it or not, most people use a downvote button as a like or don't like button.

      But yeah generally i agree...

      • MadMonk

        I have it because it came with the comic, which most people have sadly never had the opportunity to read. Everyone knows it from anonymous and the movie :(

      • dannycdannydo
        @MadMonk -

        Oh is that where it originates from? i don't really understand it... growing up Guy Fawkes was someone/thing we burnt on a bonfire come 5th of November.

      • MadMonk
        @dannycdannydo -

        The mask in particular came from the comic book, and it was based on the Guy Fawkes holiday.