• SuperFleek

    We'll see how long that view lasts if people continue to migrate to other platforms. I was mostly a lurker on reddit, but I can't get behind the poor management and lack of transparency any more, and I think a lot of people feel the same way.

    • thrust

      What I still don't understand is, what exactly is the problem with the management? All I hear is that mods aren't happy with the way admins communicate with them, but that is very vague. What exactly is the problem? And please don't even mention Victoria, we don't know anything about her firing.

      • SuperFleek

        By management I just mean the way they handled the situation. Yeah I don't have much of an opinion on her actual firing, that's their call to make, but instead of addressing the issue and complaints to the community itself they allowed things to snowball until the site turned into a disaster. A good management call would have been to make sure the mods (of the relevant subs) were informed and able to seamlessly transition to her successor, or even if they hadn't been able to do that, then to at least promptly recognize the complaints and offer assistance in getting things back on track. It just feels like most of the problems could have been avoided with better planning and communication.