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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Mac

    Oh nice! I saw that link for home made recipes and I think I might have to make some now. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction :)

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Mac

    I really like how the video complements the music and doesn't distract the listener from the song. It'd be cool to find some more videos like this for sure

    Posted in: Kyuss - Catamaran [HQ]

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Mac

    Unnecessary side love interests. There seems to be one in every movie where a male character begins to have feelings for another female character and almost always they live happily ever after.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Mac

    You don't party with toddlers?

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up Mac

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Mac

    How do you like Soylent? I've been considering trying some just because part of me is sick of eating and I'm ready for future food haha

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Mac

    I'm originally from the Georgia/South Carolina border area and I feel your pain! My recommendation for beating the heat is to take a wet hand towel and just place it around your neck. If you don't have a medium sized towel, a wet tshirt around your neck will do, or better yet, just put on a wet tshirt. I did this once and was shivering at first when I walked out in 95 degree heat.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Mac

    I had this dream a while ago, so its details are pretty patchy at this point. So the dream started off as me just staring into this field. It had a couple of horses in it and there was the air of tranquility over it. All of a sudden, from over the crest of the farthest hill, these figures start to appear and upon closer inspection, it's a hoard of ducks. Hundreds of ducks. They descend on the horses which I realize are now smaller than average horses. And as I'm watching this I realize that I'm narrating this event from the point of view of a sports caster.

    The little horses retreat to the far end of the field and collect more horses. I look back at the army of ducks as they fast approach and then turn again to the horses. Their numbers have increased, but as they're running they're morphing into Boston terriers that are now chasing after the ducks. They're efficient in their attack and separate off groups of ducks that are now retreating. I can't remember what they were doing to the ducks, but I'm thinking that they were just circling them very fast as if herding the ducks.

    The remaining ducks retreat back over the hill and that was the end of my dream. This dream took place after I took a little break from smoking pot, so weird ones were expected...but this was a whole new level of bizarre to me.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Mac

    Have you considered buying a personal espresso machine? Obviously, they're not cheap, but you might end up saving money in the long run. Also, how cool would that be to have one of those in your kitchen to where you could make almost every drink you could at work?

  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
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