• achekulaev

    Mayo is the greatest sauce of all times.

    And let me tell you about time proven marker: if you see "science" claims about regular food, they are probably false.

    Now get me wrong, if you see claims that too much grease is bad, then listen to yourself, you probably aways knew it was. You could get sick eating too much greasy food at once. The same works for other things like alcohol or too much salt.

    But all other claims about regular food are usually just stupid. They are this way since the "cholesterol" hysteria. Then "fat" hysteria. If you eat balanced food, you are probably just fine. You don't need special super-diet to be fine. Just eat some fresh (preferably seasonal) veggies, fruits, do not eat too much food, do not abuse carbohydrates or fat and you are fine. Very straightforward.