LicensePlease's feed

  • 8 years ago
    Comment LicensePlease

    The experience has never been the problem. Sure, there where some things to be improved. The main problem has been the way the site was run. Lack of communication and a taking away power from mods and admins. Yes, Snapzu might be different. But different is not necessarily good. Personally I think SnapZu tries too hard to be different. It is way too busy and overly complex without really adding anything. The strong point about Reddit was/is its simplicity and clean layout (just like Google search). Things like tribes, experience points and levels just take away from the core experience IMO. So, I am totally fine with Voat being a Reddit clone (although there are some major improvements). Why do we need to reinvent the wheel? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

    Posted in: Google Trends - "Snapzu"