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Published 10 years ago by LaughAtSky with 7 Comments

Severe Storm - Complete with Overly Dramatic Commentary

There you have it folks, this is what happens when you don't follow Frankie's weather reports. All hell breaks loose around the :35 second mark.


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  • jcscher

    He should take up sports commentary for live games on the radio!

    • drunkenninja (edited 10 years ago)

      or preaching at the local church... making religion this exciting takes a special talent.

      • jcscher

        Those guys really annoy me!

  • drunkenninja

    Heh, at first I found him annoying but warmed up after the first minute or so..

    • LaughAtSky

      Do you know how many times he said "severe thunder storm"? I didn't count, but I think it was about 300.

      • drunkenninja

        I didn't count, I was mesmerized by his leet announcing skillz.

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