• Exantrius

    Not going to affect Musk that much. It'll destroy the leaf and other plug in hybrids with 100 mi ranges.

    Most people, 99% of the time, drive less than 100 miles in a day. When they go on long road trips, they'll have to plan better routes, or more likely, rent a different type of car.

    I don't think many people will switch from a luxury car (Tesla) for a camry with a fancy nameplate. Especially when 99% of the time, there is no benefit to the hydrogen fuel cell over Tesla, especially if you don't live on the corridor in which they will have hydrogen fill stations.

    I think this will erode more gas and big car manufacturing hybrid sales, because other than occasional road trips down this one road, there is no benefit to what they are selling now. Once the hydrogen is more available, we'll have to see.