9 years ago
“Stop F**king Crying!” SWAT Raids Wrong Home, Holds Naked Mom at Gunpoint in Front of Children
Marianne Diaz and her children were asleep during the pre-dawn hours of August 18 when a gang of heavily armed militarized men kicked in the door to their apartment and began terrorizing this family. Diaz was woken up by the sound of multiple doors being kicked in. The next thing she knew, she was naked and on her knees, looking down the barrels of several AR-15 rifles.
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She was patted down and searched? What for, subdermal implants? The ladybwas naked, where the heck would she hide a weapon or whatever?? This really bothers me because it calls into question what the heck the SWAT team was thinking. Yeah, at least a guy didn't do it, but I don't understand why'd they think searching an actual naked woman was a good idea.
And just to pour salt over the sounds, one of them had the gall to say they were being respectful. Let's hope nobody has to suffer the police's respect, then..
Ah, the problem of a militarized police. Where they think they are soldiers for 'justice', and in the course of that actually pervert it.
The us-vs-them mentality comes from some place, and me thinks, these types of incidents are largely to blame for that. Incompetence and stupidity, willful or no.
And than the insult "we were respectful" while you "strip"search a naked woman in front of her kids. Disgraceful!
In Quebec we had the education minister step down after he claimed that high school staff strip searching students was ok if it was done respectfully (and that's not even the worst he said...). The family of the girl that was stripped searched is currently suing and I hope they win but as of right now it seems to be something that's okay in Canadian law...
At least, it's now forbidden in Quebec.
Seriously- they go on to say there was NO due diligence done before the raid. Every single person involved should give up their badge. This is inexcusable.
It's extremely unlikely any of the people performing the raid had anything to do with the investigation or decision to enter the house. They did their job, whoever told them to go do that job are to blame here, both people higher in the police force and a judge.
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"Pick Up That Can"
"America can be assured, however, that this sexual abuse and destruction of a family’s home was done in the best interest of public safety, and officers claim that they acted within the confines of their authority."
Ah no thanks! I will be the one to protect myself and my family. Scary thing is, what would happen if say they (Me not knowing) did this at my house, I would of been shooting the fuk out of whomever and most likely would be dead because of me protecting myself and family. WOW!
How does being dead protects your family?
I'll clarify, by shooting at whomever (In this case a SWAT team / police) breaking into my house, not knowing if it was a bad guy or???, of course I'm gonna start blasting away at who ever it is, well don't you think the SWAT team is gonna return fire? Hence I will be dead.
The odds of the SWAT busting your door is higher than bad guys doing it. Even in the event of bad guys, the odds that they are out to kill you are pretty slim and more people without guns get out alive than people getting into firefights with strangers.
In other words, if you act like that you pick trying to prove a stupid point over actually protecting your family.
So no matter whose kicking my door in I shouldn't defend or protect myself at all?????????
Depends if you prefer to live or to die to make a stupid point.
SCREW that! Die on your feet, not on your knees
In my opinion, two types of personalities are apt to become cops, brave and altruistic people and also somewhat stupid and prone to bullying people. I like to think, in cases such as this, that the majority of the group were the altruistic kind, just following the orders of one of the stupid kind. I think we need the police in our society and I know there are good cop stories, it's the stupid cop stories that get the media attention though, they highlight the bullies.
It's completely unrelated to the OP, but I have one good cop story - I bought a new car about 6 weeks ago (2015 Chevy Cruze LTZ, in case anyone is wondering - it's been a plethora of issues, and I totally get why GM is failing so hard). And about 2 weeks ago, I was pulled over on the side of the highway by a provincial sergeant (an older woman). She was firm and asked me for my license and registration without telling me why she pulled me over, which made me very nervous. I wasn't speeding at all, and actually riding on cruise control to be sure. At first she was reluctant to tell me why she pulled me over, and then asked me if I had just bought my car, and I said yes and told her that I had bought it only a few weeks ago. Apparently the dealership failed to register my plates, and the plates I had been driving with were coming up as stolen! She was concerned that I was driving a stolen vehicle! After I explained everything to her and showed her all of my paperwork, she was really respectful. She looked up my old plates that I had and saw that they were still on my old car, which I had traded in. She gave me instructions on where to go to gt it fixed on Monday, and told me what I needed to do to have it taken care of. She gave me her card as well so if I get pulled over I can tell them that I talked to her. She didn't give me a ticket or a hard time about anything. She was literally just doing her job.
I have plenty of bad cop stories, but this woman was an exception. She was excellent. I wish there were more cops like her, who actually want to do their job and help people instead of just bully everyone around.
What is "respectful" about telling a terrorized mother to "stop f*cking crying!? That (IMO) is as illogical an order as telling a kid that if they don't stop crying you will "Give them something to cry about"
I am not sure I could have held my collective sht together if I were faced with the same situation as this mother... fact is, I would likely have been shot -- because anyone storming through my doors in the dead of night are going to be met with the business end of my shotgun.. I don't care who the FCK they are.