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Published 10 years ago by KondoR with 1 Comments

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  • idlethreat

    Is there anyone in the world who is actually shocked by this news story? It seems to be a given that if you happen to have your email hosted by a third party, that third party can read your emails anytime they see fit. If you're concerned about having strangers reading your email, there's a few solutions you may consider:

    * Email Hosting Provider - Buy your own domain, pay x amount per month for hosting. A good provider has agreements in place against this activity. It won't save you from a subpoena, but should address general snooping or search of your emails. * mailvelope - browser-based encryption for email using PGP. Works with Gmail, Yahoo email, etc if you still want to use a free provider * PGP - stand-alone email encryption application for securing your emails from others

    So, there's a few solutions available for those interested. However, if you're going to need to communicate information across questionable conduits, then I'd strongly recommend speaking to that person directly in a secure location.

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