• rosellem

    Of course, I doubt he thinks a 100% increase in his wage is "outrageous."

    • hallucigenia

      I think there needs to be a maximum wage.

      • jmcs

        Personally I would like if wages were indexed inside a company and the maximum wage was capped in function of the lowest wage paid by the company (with some rules to prevent companies from splitting to keep all low wage employees in a separate company).

        • ColonBowel

          That would mean that the highest earners would then have to raise the lowest earners income if they want a raise. This is true trickle down.

        • redalastor

          Ben & Jerry had that. The top earner could not make more than 7 times the lowest earner.

          Of course, that was the first thing to do when they were bought.

      • [Deleted Profile]

        [This comment was removed]

    • RdVortex

      IMHO every CEO should have a maximume wage. The amount of money they make compared to normal workers is simply ridiculous. I mean does a CEO really do so much for the company that he deserves a salary that is 10x or 100x or whatever compared to a normal worker. Nowdays they simply kick out the ordinary people stating that there's no money to pay for the workers while the management gets big bonuses for the improved financial situation of the company. Shame though that the people with the lowest pay also have the lowest possibility to have any impact on their salary (or anyone elses in companies).