• drunkenninja

    Boeing and NASA both expressed interest, seeing as the material could potentially revolutionize the world -- heat-resistant paneling, nuke-proof condoms, lava wakeboards! -- and Ward was in talks to sell to them, but the deals fell through when Ward flat-out declined to give the recipe for Starlite away. He would license production, as much as they wanted, but the recipe stayed his alone. He even refused to patent the compound, as it would have required him to reveal its secrets. Sadly, Ward died in 2011 without a production deal in place, and Starlite is nowhere to be seen. Still, there is hope: Ward's family is said to be in possession of the recipe, so unless the government has declared it Top Secret -- which may have actually happened -- you might still get the chance to slip your willy into a volcano someday.

    Biggest asshat in history? I think so...