Post Overview

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  • Current Event
    9 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Special investigation: Auckland house prices - Business - NZ Herald News

    The first picture has emerged of Chinese buying patterns in Auckland's pressure-cooker housing market — and it suggests a powerful, big-spending influence - New Zealand Herald

  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +7 7 0

    The first time I heard this song it definitely gave me goosebumps

    The strange high-pitched noise during the last minute of the song as it builds to a crescendo made me feel something hard to describe, but I guess it could be compared to a feeling of smallness (which is drawn-upon heavily in the video obviously - I ...

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Introductions Thread

    I guess a good way to get things started here is the classic introduction thread so we can get to know a bit about each other... I'll kick things off:

    Kia Ora, I'm KiwiOnionDip and I'm the chief here at /t/newzealand. Like many of you, I've migrated over here from Reddit. Having been a long-time lurker there, I've decided that I will be alot more active here. I'm 22 years old and I live in Auckland (you may have heard of it, it's a nice enough little place). I graduated from UoA with a Commerce/Arts conjoint degree majoring in Management and Psychology and I currently work for Immigration NZ.

    I'm looking forward to meeting the other Kiwis here on snapzu!

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +5 5 0

    Introduction + New Tribe Announcement

    Hey guys, I'm KiwiOnionDip and I've decided to give this place a try! So far it seems great and everyone is very welcoming :)

    I'm also here to announce that I've taken up the chiefdom of /t/newzealand. I've never really moderated a forum like this before, so if any Kiwis are interested I'd appreciate your help and input in building us a little home here!