7 years ago
Chemicals found in mac and cheese powder might pose serious health threat, study says
Could cheese powder disrupt your hormones?
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At my house we have an amazing device. It's called a grater. Actually, our grater is in the shape of a pyramid and we call it the "Grate Pyramid of Cheeses" but I digress. What is wrong with people that they can't grate cheese anymore?
I always suspected that mac and cheese (Kraft dinner for us Canadians!) contains some really questionable stuff in that powdered cheese so I avoided it like the plague. It's too bad people just don't take the time to use proper ingredients anymore, it's so much better too with real cheese.
I've not eaten it since I was a kid and I classify that as cheap,processed crap,so i don't eat it. And yeah,I use real cheese but no grains.