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Published 7 years ago by Kelvis with 3 Comments
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  • kxh (edited 7 years ago)

    At my house we have an amazing device. It's called a grater. Actually, our grater is in the shape of a pyramid and we call it the "Grate Pyramid of Cheeses" but I digress. What is wrong with people that they can't grate cheese anymore?

    • drunkenninja

      I always suspected that mac and cheese (Kraft dinner for us Canadians!) contains some really questionable stuff in that powdered cheese so I avoided it like the plague. It's too bad people just don't take the time to use proper ingredients anymore, it's so much better too with real cheese.

      • Gozzin

        I've not eaten it since I was a kid and I classify that as cheap,processed crap,so i don't eat it. And yeah,I use real cheese but no grains.

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