• MrsBean

    The internet itself is a visual medium. We are looking at a web page before we are reading it. Personally I read a lot of stories online, if I come across a page where the font is cluttered, too small, crammed, and a wall of text I move on. I feel my brain pulse if the site is poorly laid out. White space, graphics, and bite sized text works best for me to be able to digest and remember the information I am reading. However if there is too much visual or flashing graphics, that to me is just as bad as no graphics at all. A picture is worth a 1000 words, too many pictures cheapens the point.

    • Gozzin (edited 10 years ago)

      Well I use Ad Block..Also,I've noticed websites getting smaller and smaller and the edges around the print I'm there to read getting bigger and bigger and being filled with ads (which I can't see,but I know they are there.). I have ways to combat this silliness, I use Fire Fox's scroll ctrl zoom in feature and I can also use Compiz Fusion's zoom in feature. If I can''t bypass,say a big window that covers the screen, and can't be closed,I just back out and never return. Nat. Geographic sign in pop up you can't bypass is an example. I'm not registering for your website and I'm not signing in just to read something. And I'm not here to look at your "content" since content means ads.

      • MrsBean

        You're so right Gozzin. It's like they say, if you aren't paying for the product, you are the product. And Ad Blocker is a life saver. It's weird now going on computers without it, but it lets me know exactly how much advertising there is compared to valid content. I too don't sign up or in for much (Snapzu being an exception of course) I especially find it obnoxious and intrusive when so many sites now ask one to sign in with their Facebook info. Overreaching.

        • JomerGregorio

          Thanks everyone for the comment. Its strange that I didn't get a notification about comments on my snaps.

          • drunkenninja

            Those comments appear to be made about 3 weeks or so ago... you would have received a notification at that time. I get mine without issues.