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Published 10 years ago by Jack with 41 Comments


There have been recent questions over downvotes, particularly "lackluster content" "repost" and "self-serving content." What should be downvoted and what should not? Where do we draw the line? Similar question for downvoting comments, what is the community standard?

  • Downvotes

    There have been recent questions over downvotes, particularly "lackluster content" "repost" and "self-serving content."

    What should be downvoted and what should not? Where do we draw the line?

    Similar question for downvoting comments, what is the community standard?

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  • teamsnapzu

    Snapzu's down vote reason functionality was introduced as a way to help members within this community express the reason for their down vote. This functionality is meant to be a helpful tool and should not be considered as a set of rules due to the general subjective nature of the act of voting. Everyone interprets content differently, and because of that we are merely hoping the average interpretation will be the correct one in most situations. We are aware that this system is not perfect, but it is as close as we can come to an effective democratic approach where voting is done anonymously and for whatever reason.

    Down vote reasons:

    Because of confusion in regards to the "Lackluster Content" reason we have decided to rename this to "Poorly Written / Copypasta" and have added an additional 3 down vote reasons for the time being and will be working on streamlining the process in the near future.

    The new down vote reasons are:

    1. Poorly Formatted Title or Intro (All Caps, Cut-off Intro, etc.)
    2. Misleading / Clickbaity / Sensationalized
    3. None of the Above

    We have also slightly modified/renamed a number of reasons for general clarity and will be posting a blog update on the subject of down vote reasons shortly. In the update we will cover each down vote reason and guide users as to when we think each reason should be selected. The update will also go into detail on the future of voting, how to approach voting on comments, and when user reputation will be effected from down votes. Our continued expansion of the down vote reason functionality is one of our highest priorities because we believe it empowers the community in a significant and positive way. We hope you give us a chance to prove that we can continue to improve Snapzu's key functionality.

    We appreciate everyone who took part in this discussion!

    //Team Snapzu

  • drunkenninja

    Although I think that there absolutely needs to be a clear and set guide for when to "upvote" and when to "downvote" content, I highly doubt its going to stop everyone from carelessly downvoting something they dislike, etc. It's impossible to enforce a system that is inherently designed to protect the end user's privacy (which in my opinion something that is extremely important). I think the best way to approach this matter is to allow for breakage, meaning that its normal to expect a certain amount of "downvotes" to happen just because the people on here are human and they are predisposed to doing so.

    As for your questions, I'm going to take a little time and let it all sink in before I give my opinion. You asked an extremely important question, and I don't want to screw it up by giving you "lackluster" feedback.

  • [Deleted Profile]

    [This comment was removed]

  • Caio

    FYI /t/snapchat is for the app snapchat not for chatting on snapzu (that would be /t/lounge). So you might want to remove that tribe if you don't want them downvoting this for being posted to the wrong tribe.

  • [Deleted Profile] (edited 10 years ago)

    [This comment was removed]

  • ttubravesrock

    while I think that /u/nickobb is right, especially regarding image sources (something that I hadn't thought a lot about to be honest), /u/drunkenninja is also right regarding the 'don't worry too much about it' side of this. If the downvotes have an explanation, then use that as constructive feedback for your next snap. Maybe PM the tribe's chief and ask how you could improve the next post. If the downvote doesn't have an explanation, then assume that someone is using the downvote system incorrectly and disagrees with you, and don't worry about it.

    • [Deleted Profile] (edited 10 years ago)

      [This comment was removed]

  • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 10 years ago)

    Standards? Then the question becomes, who sets them. Who represents the so-called community. Rules and regulations are for those who want things done their way, exercise control. Let it be, don't be offended, at its least that downvote represents someone who made the effort to seek out your submittal or comment, no matter their motivation. I use downvotes only in response to name calling, and submittals that are obvious propaganda, false in fact(s). A total of about five times since I joined.


    Ok we've heard downvote discussion, do the upvote jack.

  • cunt

    I would just get rid of downvotes, that way people upvote stuff they like so the stuff and comments people like have high upvotes and the ones they don't like are low votes.

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