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Published 11 years ago by IhatePayola with 7 Comments

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  • Nelson

    Reddit is probably infiltrated with feds.

    • IhatePayola

      Ding ding ding!

      This is why I have come to snapzu, because I figured out what Alexis Ohanian and Erik Martin are doing. The Antique Jetpack line of buisness-https://search.wikil...?viewemailid=1318801

      • messi

        I wasn't aware that Ohanian still had stake in reddit?

        • IhatePayola (edited 11 years ago)

          Reddit has three board members; Yishan Lee, Alexis, and some president of Codne Nasty.

          If you ask me, they represent three separate spheres of influence within reddit. Alexis represent the Brooklyn crew, Yishan represents San Fran, and Code Nasty prez represents Advance's 18 million+ stake.

    • grandsalami

      That's scary if true. I mean why else would they be trying to hard to squash the news?

  • sean

    It's kind of hilarious catching the Reddit shills. Just read the comments on any article critical of any major corporation - particularly those with a strong internet presence. This morning (or yesterday) there was a post to an article critical of how Amazon treats its employees and the level of shill response was epic. If the shill squad hadn't been so transparent and even tried to keep it non-absurd I would have been convinced that Amazon employees are the most coddled and cared-for employees on the planet. Basically, Reddit is no longer a forum for meaningful debate or guaging public opinion. But it's great for cat pictures.

  • Gozzin

    Which is why I spend less time on Reddit and more time here.

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