• Gracey

    Right to life, eh, they vote down food stamps, early childhood education, public school, lunches for poor children, WIC, family planning, planned parenthood, equal pay for equal work..instead calling on poor people to quit being leaches and get a job....

    Right to life, eh, they refuse to fund infrastructure thus making our roads and bridges unsafe for anyone.

    Right to life, eh, they have tried to overturn the ACA over 50 times encouraging guppie teabaggers to deny health coverage to the masses of people in this country saying you don't want to cover women's reproductive prescriptions like birth control, but cover viagra for men???

    What part of life are they willing to care for....a fetus till it is born, then SOL?


    How about adopting one of the nearly 400K children in need of a family? Why is it that it only matters to them when it is a fetus, but they can't give a shit about the living?