• SuperCyan

    The Internet of Things is a really exciting concept, but it feels a bit weird to me.

    It'd be great to be able to have a widget on my computer screen that tells me how long it will be until my clothes are done, how much detergent it has left, and how long it will be before my clothes are done drying. It'd be cool to just step on the scale and have it track my weight, where I could access that information everywhere. It'd be awesome to control the lights in my house without even leaving my chair, or have a grocery list on my phone without even opening the fridge. However, at what point would an Internet of Things be too much?

    Having all of my stuff interconnected and easily accessible would be a neat and convenient thing to have, but where would it go too far? Should I have a soap dispenser that would add itself to my shopping list when it's low? Should my water cooler add itself when it's out of water? I know we don't have to buy things that are connected together, but I would get turned off to the idea of an Internet of Things if everything was connected together.

    I think it'll be cool to see how far some people will take their home to be totally connected. For me, I'm fine with being not 100% connected to the internet.