9 years ago
How To Make Yogurt at Home — Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn
I've been making my own yogurt for a few years now and I don't think I'll ever go back. Not only does it actually save me some grocery money, but this homemade yogurt is seriously good. I'm eating more yogurt now than ever before. The method I've adopted is very basic — no special heirloom yogurt cultures or fancy incubating equipment required. You could even make a batch tonight and have homemade yogurt for breakfast by tomorrow morning!
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i will give it a shot!
I have got to try this with with my favorite yogurt but I worry: I love the sweeteners and flavors put into the yogurt I buy. How can I get that sugar into the yogurt without throwing off the balance?
Well I use Stevia in mine..Just stir in a bit till you get it as sweet as you like it.