• leweb

    Confirmation bias

    Wonder why hard-core religious people tend to be Republican? Because they're best at believing things they hear without any evidence. In fact, a lot of these people brag about their ignorance, demeaning science and thinking that the B.S. they hear from Republican talking heads trumps (no pun intended) science and education. All they need is people around them chanting the bullshit and they take it as the ultimate truth. Just like 13th-century people burning witches.

    When the majority of a country's people are proud of their ignorance, you know where things are going. Hopefully we're not there yet. If we are, you can say that the government has won yet another war: the war against education.

    Having said that, it's not like the Democratic Party is much better. They are a massively corrupt, thieving viper's nest. It's just that the Republicans have gone so batshit insane that the immoral thieves seem like a better option,

    Glorious times we live in.