• GingerBreadMan

    What we know about Kepler 452-b:

    - It's the smallest exoplanet discovered to date discovered orbiting in the habitable zone of a G2-class star, just like the Earth and the Sun.

    - Kepler-452b is 60 percent larger in diameter than Earth and is considered a super-Earth-size planet.

    - It's likely rocky.

    - While Kepler-452b is larger than Earth, its 385-day orbit is only 5 percent longer.

    - The planet is 5 percent farther from its parent star Kepler-452 than Earth is from the Sun.

    - Kepler-452 is 6 billion years old, 1.5 billion years older than our sun, has the same temperature, and is 20 percent brighter and has a diameter 10 percent larger.

    - The Kepler-452 system is located 1,400 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. (Currently, it would take us 42 generations to get there.)

    - They also said that the planet is likely to have lots of clouds and possibly active volcanoes.

    - They also said that it receives about 10% more energy than the earth does because of the proximity and age of the nearby star, I think this would mean it would have a little bit of a higher temperature.

    - Also since it is 6 billion years old there is way more time than we have had on Earth for life to have developed given the chance.

    - For clarity, Kepler-452 is the star, and Kepler-452b is the planet.