Conversation 23 comments by 13 users
  • ClarkKent

    This keeps happening, and I feel sorry for voat.

    • UpAndRunning

      To be honest, the only reason I tried Snapzu is because Voat was offline every time I tried signing up. Can't say I regret doing so.

      • ClarkKent

        Lol, luckily my friends kept trying to invite me to snapzu and I never had to even look at Voat, I still wonder what the community is like over there, but I have heard numerous bad things from it.

        • PlaydoughMnstr

          It's the crowd that likes fatpeoplehate and coontown. You most likely have a better time here without these guys.

          • Lawdog

            Voat isn't exclusively those 2 groups. They make up a higher percentage than they did on reddit because voat doesn't have hundreds of millions of accounts. Voat touts the same tenets that reddit was founded upon. Those people were railroaded off reddit under the guise of harassment for calling the ceo of imgur names. Some special interest groups wanted them gone, got their wish, and are now harassing Voat because they don't want anyone saying anything that makes them uncomfortable. That, in turn, makes those haters victims I their own right, and they scream even louder. The sjw crowd from reddit is pushing the buttons of the hate crowd to provoke a response they can use as an excuse for their actions, and the hate crowd is using the button pushing from the sjw crowd as validation for their beliefs. I wouldn't be too surprised to see this end up in court in the next couple of years.

            • rosellem

              calling the ceo of imgur names

              Well, FPH was doxing people, not sure about the others. Once you start doxing you are going a few steps beyond calling people names.

            • Lawdog
              @rosellem -

              They weren't doxxing anyone. They were using pictures of imgur execs that were put onine by imgur. They merely added insults to already public I formation. Calling that doxxing is akin to saying I doxxed Bill Gates by writing "4 eyes" on his Microsoft headshot.
              They weren't kicked out for doxxing anyway. They were kicked out for harassing the ceo of imgur which required reddit to create a new policy to justify. I'm not defending their actions or their ideas, but reddit's reasonING and handling of the situation were petty, shady, and selective. SRS does the same things FPH did on a much larger scale, but they hide behind people's fear of being labeled any kind of -ist.

            • CrazyDiamond
              @Lawdog -

              I feel like there could be a case to be made that they were infringing on the speech of other redditors. There was the case where a overweight girl posted her dress to /r/sewing, and then some "priceless" individual crossposted that girl's image to fatpeoplehate. That girl then messaged the mods asking to have the post taken down, and instead of having it taken down, the mods put her image in the sidebar of FPH to mock her. They were making it unsafe and hostile for people to try and post in their OWN subreddits and no other subreddit was trying to pull shit like that.

            • Lawdog
              @CrazyDiamond -

              I'm not saying they're not assholes, they are, but if you post a picture on a site with hundreds of millions of people, you've implicitly given permission to those hundreds of millions of people to repurpose your picture. Maybe you become Ridiculously Photogenic Guy. Maybe you become Derpy Beyonce. If you put yourself in the public's eye, you have to take the bad with the good.

              Victimization has become a bullying tactic over the past 20 years. SRS are far more hostile than any other group on reddit. Those niche hate groups keep their shit in their own little subreddits where they can be ignored by normal people. SRS infects the whole site, and now they're monetizing:

              I don't care that FPH is gone from reddit. I'm concerned with how they were ousted, and how an even worse, more vocal, more invasive group is allowed to go unchecked for doing the same things the FPH policy prohibits. Where's my safe space to disagree with radical feminism?

            • CrazyDiamond
              @Lawdog -

              I'm going to have to disagree. A website can take a stand that they will not allow that kind of behavior, and that's exactly the harassment that reddit admins were saying they will not tolerate. From a philosophical standpoint, either the reddit admins prevent a certain type of speech, or they give FPH the power to prevent a certain type of speech. There's not really an in between. You have to make the judgement call of which speech you want to protect; the speech of the hated or the hateful?

            • Lawdog
              @CrazyDiamond -

              I'm not really sure what you're saying there. To me, SRS and FPH are 2 sides of the same coin. FPH made said mean things and made stupid photoshops of overweight people in their own subreddit. SRS links threads to send their minions all over reddit to shout down anyone who doesn't yield to their radical ideals and derail any discussions that make them uncomfortable. They pay lip service to reddiquette in their sidebar, but they don't even bother using non-participation links. I consider that far worse than anything FPH ever did. You can't ban one without banning the other, and neither should be banned for doing something that wasn't against policy or the law when they did it. What's the next policy they'll apply retroactively to only some users?

            • CrazyDiamond
              @Lawdog -

              but they don't even bother using non-participation links. I consider that far worse than anything FPH ever did.

              I wasn't even talking about SRS, but what they do is not even close to the same. There are only about 70,000 subscribers and it seems like whenever some racist or overly offensive person gets disagreed with they go "Oh it's SRS again! They're brigading me!" Even when they haven't been linked to SRS. I've asked plenty of times for evidence that SRS is harrassing other users and haven't actually got anything, and they don't stick people in the sidebar. Fatpeoplehate had over 150,000 subscribers. That's twice as big. They brigaded a suicidewatch post even. People think SRS does more than it actually does because that's literally a part of their act. Whenever something happens on reddit, SRS will ALWAYS claim to be behind it, because they want to egg on the conspiracy theorists. Bottom line is you will never see a subreddit like SRS jizzing on pictures of people they don't like, or photoshopping their faces onto porn stars, so I don't get why they're the onse people complain about.

          • ProtoJazz

            A lot of people like voat, and dislike snapzu because of censorship. It seems snapzu prohibits personal attacks and hate speech, and for some reason people don't like that. I guess they want to keep their options open, or they just don't understand the first amendment

            • Raycu

              That's currently my favorite thing about Snapzu though. I'd much rather have a clean one, than something free that I don't want to be a part of.

            • Rothulfossil
              @Raycu -

              Some people like to say people who want that are just looking for a big hugfest. I'm not necessarily looking for a hugfest, I just don't want a stabfest.

            • shadow1515

              Personally those reasons are why I regularly use both. Snapzu has great communities that stay focused on civil discourse. Voat has great communities as well, but they can be a bit more "raw", which I also want from time to time.

            • ProtoJazz
              @shadow1515 -

              I've also heard lack of porn a complaint. But really you got to diversify your jerkin anyway. I think people have gotten so used to the tailored curated subreddits and tumblrs some people have forgotten how to forage for porn.

            • shadow1515
              @ProtoJazz -

              Well of course I still use Reddit for that.

            • ProtoJazz
              @shadow1515 -

              It's like my bank keeps telling me, gotta diversify.

              But yeah, I don't get why it has to be an all or nothing. I read through the handful of things I care to look at on Reddit about halfway through the day unless I'm super busy and dont get lunch or something.

          • ClarkKent

            I am glad that I did not ever join that ignorance than.

        • babymeta1 (edited 8 years ago)

          I tried Voat for awhile, it's mainly just another Reddit clone filled with people who hate Reddit. Edit: forgot to add that a lot of them are racist assholes and for some reason hate fat people too.

      • oystein

        Voat is basically a reddit clone, so it doesn't add much to the online experience. It's a ten year old interface on a new site.

    • ClassyCritic

      It's hard for a young site to deal with the influx of users they're receiving. I definitely prefer this site, but I can't say I don't feel bad for them. Their guys are probably working pretty hard to deal with everything that's going on and they can't catch a break.