• CrazyDiamond
    @Lawdog -

    but they don't even bother using non-participation links. I consider that far worse than anything FPH ever did.

    I wasn't even talking about SRS, but what they do is not even close to the same. There are only about 70,000 subscribers and it seems like whenever some racist or overly offensive person gets disagreed with they go "Oh it's SRS again! They're brigading me!" Even when they haven't been linked to SRS. I've asked plenty of times for evidence that SRS is harrassing other users and haven't actually got anything, and they don't stick people in the sidebar. Fatpeoplehate had over 150,000 subscribers. That's twice as big. They brigaded a suicidewatch post even. People think SRS does more than it actually does because that's literally a part of their act. Whenever something happens on reddit, SRS will ALWAYS claim to be behind it, because they want to egg on the conspiracy theorists. Bottom line is you will never see a subreddit like SRS jizzing on pictures of people they don't like, or photoshopping their faces onto porn stars, so I don't get why they're the onse people complain about.