• FivesandSevens (edited 8 years ago)

    I agree that the author's "most important musical form" assertion is made silly by his total lack of evidence. The many complicated inter-relationships between blues, jazz (and gospel, folk, country-western, Vaudeville/Broadway, etc.), and rock make it pretty hard to talk about what's important, what's not, or who's responsible for what. I'm not sure I could make a well-supported "most important musical form of the 20th century" argument at all, for any style of music, at least not with only 16 years remove from the century.

    That said, other than its popularity in the first half of the century (My quibble with your 'mid-60s' birthdate for rock: Elvis, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis and others were all big stars before 1960), what's your case for jazz being the most important musical form of the 20th century?

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