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Published 9 years ago by FivesandSevens with 2 Comments
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  • blitzen

    Ms. Temeña bought an external Amazon battery pack. She said the pack could fully charge her phone six times, but it wasn’t ideal because of its bulk. Ultimately, she wishes her iPhone had a better battery.

    Well, then don't get a battery pack that recharges the phone 6x over.

    “I don’t understand why a battery wouldn’t be able to keep up with all the other advances they’re putting into phones now,” she said.

    She sounds like a delight.

  • spaceghoti

    Good tips, but I find that by completely draining the battery as often as possible (not just once every few months) before recharging, my battery life stays consistently long. The last three phones I've used kept their charge for as long as two to three days depending on how much I used the navigation app with little noticeable degredation in storage capacity. I've never had a phone battery quit on me after a few hours of full charging since i started doing this.

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