Cyrax's feed
9 years agoImage Cyrax
Reading Pokemon Adventures when I saw...
9 years agoLevel Up Cyrax
Level 4
Cyrax is now level 4 with 7,285 XP.
View Unlocks- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 60.
- Pattern Banner You now have the ability to select a pattern for the banner of any of your tribes.
- Snapzine The maximum amount of snapzine editions you can create has been raised by 1 to a total of 6.
9 years agoAchievement Cyrax
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations Cyrax on this achievement!
+1310 XP -
9 years agoRelated Link Cyrax
Get a shiny Mega Rayquaza (NA) -- August 10-31
Cyrax added 1 related link(s)
There are a total of 1 items in the related links -
9 years agoAchievement Cyrax
Worth a thousand words
Published 2/2 image snaps! Congratulations Cyrax on this achievement!
+1310 XP -
9 years agoImage Cyrax
Get a shiny Mega Rayquaza (NA) -- August 10-31
Looks like it's in celebration for the release of the new Ancient Origins TCG set that's coming out.
9 years agoText Post Cyrax
Pick my team
9 years agoComment Cyrax
I think I'm gonna give this a shot. I haven't really tried competitively battling but I think this will be a fun thing to try out. I think I'm going to be using a Pikachu, mega Manectric, Plusle, Rotom-Wash, Jolteon, and Electivire. What's everyone else going to be using?
9 years agoLevel Up Cyrax
Level 3
Cyrax is now level 3 with 3,560 XP.
View Unlocks- Pattern Banner You now have the ability to select a pattern for your profile banner.
- Following The maximum amount of users you can follow has been raised by 20 to a total of 120.
9 years agoAchievement Cyrax
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations Cyrax on this achievement!
+1310 XP -
9 years agoComment Cyrax
I'm not afraid of death but I am slightly afraid of dying. The act of dying may be painful depending on what the cause is and if the cause of death is slow, it's even harder. However once I do die then I have nothing to worry about. I imagine death as just like before I was born. Hopefully when that day comes it will just be like falling asleep and never waking up.
9 years ago
I prefer to get official stuff, mainly what I've been using it for is genning 6iv pokes for breeding and making fun teams I'd normally not make to play with friends, and with those it really just saves me some time.
9 years agoComment Cyrax
He was so close to 1:54 too if he didn't get hit with hypnosis at the end. Either way that was crazy, I thought I was able to speed run it back in the day when I'd get around 6 hours.
9 years agoComment Cyrax
Now I have to decide if I want to upgrade my game to get both this event and the Gamestop Dragonite or if I want to keep my current version where I can gen in pokes with the QR code exploit.